2/10/03: You may have noticed that Space Losers has not updated in a while. The lack of updates is due to several reasons. I was busy with other art things which seemed more important. Also I was stuck on a part of the story I had changed. And then I started a new job, blah blah blah. That's not important. Now the other things are finished and out of the way and I figured out how to get on with the story. So, hopefully there will be some new updates sometime soon. I don't want to guess at a date and then be wrong. Sometime next week. I am trying to get ready for art college that starts in March. I am not sure what will happen to Space Losers if I go then. We will just wait and see.
1/7/02: Don't go away now. An update is coming in a day or two.
12/21/02: Yeah, no comic, as you can see. Maybe after x-mas. Too bad I can't stick to a schedule.
12/15/02: It looks like Monday's update is going to be late. Head Doctor Productions is updating for a few days.
11/23/02: Head Doctor Productions has updated once again.
11/20/02: I've decided that after this week the comic will update twice a week because I don't like draging the story out just once a week. So updates will be on Monday and Fridays starting November 25.
11/13/02: Okay, I found a computer that will let me use my scanner. Only it's a bit inconvenient to get to and I haven't figured out how to make the files smaller. I haven't been working on the comic, so I didn't even get ahead while I was unable to scan. What a loser I am. Updates might come once a week, but who knows what else might happen.
11/5/02: I really was going to update again. But now I am having some computer problems. The problem is, I can't scan anything. I do not know when the next update will be. Sorry everyone.
10/19/02: Good news. If I try hard enough, I can update Space Losers once or twice a week. I'm still pretty busy with other art related tasks, but I'm not too busy to draw a page a week. I still have storylines I'm looking forward to and I'll never get to them if the comic is on hiatus. My brother might not like Space Losers, because it has a passing resemblance to Futurama and whatever reason, but I like it, and I have found that other people like it too. So, on with the space craziness! Right after this other comic.
Sept 14: I just realized that the link to my store doesn't work. I can't seem to find the URL either. There are new picture in this art gallery.
Sept 6: Hey look, new news. I am working on getting ahead on the comic again. I should have something finished for next week. Take care all.
Aug. 26: New shirts and stuff in the Space Losers Store! This design is better than the last, with neat leters for the comic's name. Also new: Head Doctor Productions comic strip Space Losers updated today too. So, there you go.
Aug. 22: Late comic again. I am not taking a brake just yet. Maybe not for a while. But I am having some trouble getting back on track. I'm working on it. Maybe I'll have something done for tomorrow. New sketches up in the art gallery
Aug. 9: I am not sure if there will be any update next Monday. I am going to visit an art college this weekend.
Aug. 5: Head Doctor Productions has updated again!
July 31: Comics are back. I only missed one day. I was not expecting to miss any. I got really busy and I got behind on the comic. I'm working to get caught up again so there will be no more missed update days. When I give myself a deadline, I plan to stick with it. In other news, Head Doctor Productions has updated again today and will this Friday. In case you didn't notice, that sight had updated last week too.
July 18, 2002: New art in the art galleries.
July 7, 2002: Okay everyone, new picture of Blanna and Kibdribblib on the beach on the swimsuit page. Hope you like it. It's watercolored.
July 2, 2002: Not a lot of news going on lately. I have new fan art! Happy happy! Also, new Head Doctor comic, finally. Actually, it's not new. But you've never seen it. Oh yeah, and Space Losers is still going. The story is finally going somewhere! Or is it? Or was it? Don't ask me, I just make the comic.
June 13, 2002: Four new pictures in this gallery
May 25, '02: There's a new comic on Head Doctor Productions! Go read it or I'll kill you with a spoon! It's about a cute little squirrel. Oh joy.
May 20, 2002: I'm not sure what happened, but there was suppose to be a picture of a male Karproprian on the Swimsuit page a long time ago. I must have forgotten to update that page, though I wrote about it in the news. Blah. Go see it.
May 14, 2002: There's new stuff for sale in the Space Losers Store, so, um...
go look check it out. Next week there will be comic updates again, but the next week there will be colored pictures of future characters.
May 13, 2002: Should have told you sooner, but there won't be any comic this week. There will still be updates on the regular days, but not with the comic. I was having a little trouble with the story so I needed to buy some time.
May 10, 2002: A bit late on writing the news but Space Losers has been on the web for one year today! Happy birthday to Space Losers! I would also like to say that even though my new forum is an ezboard, it's pretty neat. It has different sections and user levels (alien species names for certain number of posts) and, and... stuff!
5/7/02: The 2002 Cartoonist's Choice Awards is open for nominations! If you have a webcomic, go sign up! 2002 Cartoonist's Choice Awards
5/5/02: As stated above, I am trying a new forum on ezboard. We can use it until the Keenforums work again, or we could keep it. Here is a link to the forum. I'd be glad to hear from you.
5/03/02: Um... I haven't had any new news in a while. I put the fan art I got for my guest art week up on the Fan Art Page.
4/15/02: Hey! You need to go check out Head Doctor Productons because it will be updating with new comics this week today through Fiday. There might be even more after that if I can finish the other comics I'm working on. I'm happy about this becuase it's taken me forever to get some stuff together for that site. Now if I could just do something about the webpage design...
4/08/02: This week I'm giving you a double-helping of comics! The regular Space Losers story is still updating on it's usual days, but you also get a to see a short movie starring Magyinuui Yannuunil. And it's in COLOR. Okay, so it's not a great coloring job, but it's still color. Enjoy, or don't, I'm having doubts about this movie/comic now. It will end Friday.
4/05/02: I have added Vggleg, Blanna, and Kibdribblib to the character profiles.
4/02/02: I have been reviewed on Electric Universe by some guy. "Rating: Excellent; Comments: This is an exellent resorce for anyone wanting to know more about what goes on in outer space."
I have also been included in M.A.C. Studios Keenspace comic list thing. Because I asked to be. Review to come. I really need to make a new link banner.
4/01/02: I've been working on the archives, making the pages from the past few months bigger and quicker to load. There are little things that you probably don't notice because of the size. Oh well. I also fixed a couple mis-spelled words that nobody told me about. You have to point these things out to me so I can fix them as soon as I can.
3/28/02: Over 9,000 hits! Well, this is an estimate, but still, that's a lot.
03/22/02: I had put up two new little comics on my Head Doctor Productions website. I'm working on a short story comic to put up there. I haven't been updating that site very much recently for various reasons. I'm not sure how long it will take me to finish the comic, but I'll let you know when it is.
03/17/02: Three new pictures in the Art Gallery, so go look at those, if you want to.
03/11/02: Today starts the next part of Space Losers and a new story that is actually part of the whole story. I haven't gotten any more fan art and I didn't want to go without any updates waiting to see if I'd get more, so I went ahead and started the comic again. If I do get more fan art I will still gladly put it up.
03/6/02: Head Doctor Productions hasn't been updating very much lately, but there is a new little thing there. I've been having trouble working on any comics other than Space Losers. I just can't seem to do them right, or do them at all. I have several things I would like to put on that site, if I could just do it.
03/01/02: Guest art week has begun! Sort of. Hopefully I will get some more soon. Wait, it's Friday. What an odd time to start a guest week. I ran out of finished stuff to put up.
02/23/02: I created a new art gallery: Angry Art!
03/17/02: Three new pictures in the Art Gallery, so go look at those, if you want to.
03/11/02: Today starts the next part of Space Losers and a new story that is actually part of the whole story. I haven't gotten any more fan art and I didn't want to go without any updates waiting to see if I'd get more, so I went ahead and started the comic again. If I do get more fan art I will still gladly put it up.
03/6/02: Head Doctor Productions hasn't been updating very much lately, but there is a new little thing there. I've been having trouble working on any comics other than Space Losers. I just can't seem to do them right, or do them at all. I have several things I would like to put on that site, if I could just do it.
02/22/02: Well, that's it for this part of the comic. There will be a few more "alien info" pages if I get them finished. There is a new picture of my art desk here, on the page about me. Also, you might want to take a look at Looking Back on Space Losers. It's just a little something I felt like doing.
02/20/02: Hi. How's everyone doing? Good. Well, enough about you, let's talk about the comic. This part of the story ends this Friday, then there will be one "alien info" page. I don't have much more of the comic finished after that so I hope to have some fan art to put up while I get ahead again. I hope you've enjoyed this first part of Space Losers as much as I have. There is still a long way to go. I hope that the art will improve, and maybe even my story-writing skills will improve before the this comes to the complete end. Well, I better get busy. I have other comics to work on too. ~daniel w.
02/05/02: This part of the story is coming to an end this February. The next part will start sometime in March, if I can help it. I am planning on having a guest week (or two) for filler between parts. For information on contributing your fan/guest art/strip go here or here. Of course, with anyone's art that will be put up I will make a link to their site (if they have one), or at least give the URL. Pretty much anything is accepted, so long as it's tasteful.
02/01/02: I didn't tell you that there is a new picture on the Swimsuit page. It's of a male Karproprian on the beach in a little swimsuit. I think it's somewhat disturbing. I couldn't color it the way I colored the other pictures on that page, so I colored it myself before I scanned it. This could be a good or bad thing, probably bad.
01/27/02: I spread the art gallery out onto another page
just to confuse you. Actually, they should load quicker with less on a page and it's more organized now.
There are four new pictures in there too.
I've added a few other little things around the site, like some new button pictures. Any other news? Let's
see... um, today's my birthday? Yay? I am now 20 years old. I don't know how it happened either. Oh well *shrug*
01/25/02: I feel like pluging some webcomics! Grinner is a comic that seems to be dead. Go visit the website so it will magically update! L.O.L.M. is a good comic that you should read! It's fantasy and stuff. Boxjam's Doodle claims to be bad and unpopular. Go prove him wrong! Zortic is a science fiction comic strip, and parrady. Read it also. I like Todd and Penguin and you should too. Dedos is good. Vicious Lies is also good. And also Plugin Boy
01/24/02: Head Doctor Productions will be updating again this week with a comic called The Boswell Boys. It's a comic staring me and some of my friends at college. It's not the best drawn comic, and you may not know who the people are, but it might be worth a look anyway.
01/21/02: I wrote a new thing in a section called "I Just Want To Say..." on the Extra page. There is also other things on that page you may not have seen before, so go check it out. Also, the Character Profile page HAS been updated. There is some information on the two Karproprians chasing Mooch.
01/16/02: I know stuff that you don't. There are futer stories in Space Losers that I am excited about and can't wait for. Oh, but I must wait, and so must you. But you don't know what's coming like I do. I've been looking back at some of the older pages and realized that my art has improved. The characters look better now than they did. Hal's head doesn't change sizes quite so much anymore. That was very annoying. But there is still room to improve. Anyway, why am I yacking on about all this? I have updated the character profile page. The information on them is meant to be for when the comic has been going a little longer, but it still works. There are still other things I need to update on the site, like new link buttons, but the comic itself is enough to keep me busy. It's not easy doing a regular comic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Okay, I think this news entry is long enough. Later. ~Daniel W.
1/11/02: Wow. After that long break from Space Losers I've been working overtime on the comic. I now have enough of the comic done for the rest of the month. They are already scanned and ready to be automatically updated by KeenSpace.
1/04/02: Hello space cadets! I have for you three new pictures in the Art Gallery. And if you're really nice I might update the swimsuite page eventually.
1/02/02: Space Losers is back! The comic pages are smaller because I was trying to make them not load too slow. Maybe you have a quicker computer than I do. They don't look as good because I'm still having computer problems. Maybe if I ever get a new computer or my old one fixed, I'll go back and make these comics look better and load quicker. But in the mean time, it's better than nothing. (:^/
the comic | Message Board | art gallery | links | alien info | characters | about me | Extra stuff | Fan Art | Space Losers Store! | E-mail the cartoonist